About me

I’m Tim Liß, 27 and I'm from Meckenheim near Bonn. My fascination with photography began with my grandfather and his old SLR camera. I became obsessed with it the moment i got my hands on it. In 2010 I bought a first camera of my own and I haven’t been parted with one since. Photography has been my passion for last 9 years and it continues to remain so; giving me daily opportunities to explore and learn new things. During my adventure I learned I work with special appreciation for nature, imperfections, real smiles and particular color schemes. I like moving around towns and among people and just try to catch the special moments. In the beginning I had rough time taking portrait pictures but since 2016 it started growing on me. Portraits are now the main subject of my work as a photographer.

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If you’d like me to take pictures for you send me a message at: mail@timliss.de

or call me: 0160 99723456